
Non melanoma skin cancer symptoms

Nonmelanoma skin cancer can occur due to changes and skin growths or moles.
Non-melanoma skin cancer symptoms can be encountered in the nose, face, head, shoulders, and back.

Symptoms are:

1. The open wound remained open for several weeks.
2. The growth of warts
3. The lump on the skin, and red.

Basalioma divided into non-melanoma (basal cell carcinoma) and squamous cell carcinoma.

Treatment for skin cancer non-melanoma:

1. Surgical excision
2. Curettage and electrocautery
3. Cryotherapy
4. Mohs micrographic surgery
5. Chemotherapy
6. Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
7. Imiquimod cream
8. Radiotherapy
9. Electrochemotherapy

Broad spectrum sunscreen

UVA is the UV wavelength 320-400 nm
Just a little UVA in the filter by ozone, mostly down to the surface of the earth, UVA is also able to penetrate the glass, and in humans, the UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin (collagen)

UVB is UV with a wavelength of 280-320 nm
Most UVB filtered/absorbed by ozone, UVB has an effect on the outer skin of humans.

According to NASA research scientist (Paul A. Newman), the Earth's ozone levels between 2000 to 2013 increased by 4%.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) measures a sunscreen’s ability to filter UVB rays.
 UVA / UVB rays are the cause of skin cancer, so we need a sunscreen that can protect us from these two aspects that are harmful to our skin.

Broad-spectrum is the ability to protect against UVA and UVB. Sunscreen has the label "broad spectrum" that is worth buying.
 Uses an SPF minimum 15 (higher better) sunscreen with the active ingredient zinc oxide, a natural ingredient that physically—instead of chemically—blocks rays. Another benefit using a natural ingredient is it working instantly after you applied to your skin, the chemical ingredient needs 15/20 minute to work because it needs to absorb by skin. If you do not like a natural sunscreen because of performance problems, then you can use natural tinted sunscreen. Zinc oxide protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the skin at the level of the abnormal. The cause of this disease vary and the level of ferocity was different as well. Common in squamous cell layer, basal and melanocytes.

This cancer can be seen from the outside, so the disease is a type of cancer that is most easily found symptoms in its early stages. This type of cancer is more common in whites than colored

There are two types of skin cancer, namely melanoma, and non-melanoma. Most people tend to ignore the early signs of skin cancer. Non-melanoma is divided into basalioma (basal cell carcinoma) and squamous cell carcinoma. Basalioma most frequent but slow growth.

Holiday but don't forget sunscreen

A vacation to a tropical country so much fun, we have to prepare ourselves
in order not to get into trouble, especially our skin.
Because sunlight there is much more intensive than your place.

What I mean is a sunscreen, choose one that has water resistance and
a minimum SPF 15 (higher is better).
Because the climate is hot makes us sweat more so we need a product
that high resistance to water. Apply sunscreen to your body 20-30 minutes
before you go outdoors activities, and repeat again after 2 hours.

You have to find info about where to buy it in that country, if not available then
you have to bring it from your country.

With good preparation, you will enjoy the holidays and avoid skin cancer.

Have a good vacation.